MATARIKI = the Southern New Year

Learning new things on Photoshop!

It falls around the winter solstice, the 7 sisters arise at dawn. The ground is too cold for much planting work, and the harvests are all in. It is time for a holiday, feast time, for remembering those past, and hoping and planning for the future. A time for mid-winter Christmas celebrations and solstice swims, for kite flying, for hunkering down and keeping warm. A time of peace….

2 thoughts on “MATARIKI = the Southern New Year


    Green glowing growing ground
    with splatches of warm shadow moving
    And still manuka trunks stating their life
    crowned with living hats of round leaf clumps
    held up by finger arms
    delineated by dark and light
    dancing gracefully
    brushed by the bristles of burring breeze
    keeping the coiffure curving its way

    A smell of almost nothing – fresh!

    A screech of pukeko – quecks!
    A squarble of discussing geese
    guessing on the intentions of
    people passing by
    Oh, the tui tune of love and question
    rings right across the valley!
    And the various tweets and twistles of
    the various other songsters – fantail,
    white eye, thrush and blackbird
    and a swift swoops in front of me
    catching the sun on dark blue-green wings
    I never knew they were iridescent!

    Far fingers of pine present themselves
    as an offering for the use of man
    Their shape a clear green fire flame
    And silhouettes that change direction with age
    up and out!

    On me the sun feels warm
    a treat on this winter day
    and there’s all kinds of clouds around
    Pretty lace cloth washed up high
    A little fish-skin behind me flaking scales
    Land clouds like lissome layer cake
    lie above the usual lumps
    And an amazing sheet of dark silk
    sneaking slowly up from the cold south

    In front the ground falls down
    tangled with sprouting lupin sticks
    and with the last coloured leaves
    of blackberry vines
    and stalks of gold-white grass heads
    A few dotted dandelions describe
    yellow fountain-heads for a few
    nectar seeking bees
    And the constant crickets are
    sending signals of hope heavenwards!


    Nothing like nature to smooth the
    wrinkles of my mind
    ease the tensions of my soul

    No man to meddle muddle mix
    and tricks and sticks and twist coils
    of trouble and trials

    So I head to the near green place
    a space for horses quietly grazing
    trees growing and birds going
    about their business

    BUT!! Not today!
    Trails set by strings
    and dotted dribbles of dudes
    walking and running
    and the drone and whistle and bang
    of race delineations
    – it’s a major cross country!

    It’s still beautiful sitting sunning soaking
    And there’s still birds and crickets and
    the wind waving the wands of weed stalks

    And if I am quiet in all this active interest,
    I am in peace
    And at least the peoples are doing
    something that people naturally do!
    It’s exciting to see them run!
    And now the shouts!

    But I hate the orders! Grr!

    Interesting attitudes of those who are ahead
    ‘I have a job to do here’
    and those that are behind
    ‘I’m just doing this thing – no thought
    of my getting anywhere!’

    And goodness me! – a few drifters off in the distance
    to the finish line – is all that’s left!
    And that voice droning – a nice enough voice
    – it’s the machine that mushes it into
    an annoying sound! Even it becomes mute

    “A good spot” someone comments to me, high on the hill
    “I came out for the peace!” –joking
    And she said ‘sorry’ as if all of them have less rights
    than me to be here! Silly conversation!

    And the wind and the birds and the crickets are all calling
    and commenting on their daily business…
    As time ever was, so shall it be again!

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